Thursday, June 21, 2007

New Articles to come soon... please stay tuned

We are still alive! Thank you for noticing!

I have been off on a short little summer vacation, during which I tuned out from most Presidential news (sometimes you just have to step back and take a deep breathe) It's a long way to the start of 2008, but the campaigns are all starting to speed back up.

Here's what you can expect to see this week and next here on the Republican Race.
The highly anticipated Updated Rankings,
+ New developments in Iowa... who's gaining ground and who's losing it?,
+ Bloomberg no longer a Republican... what this means for the 2008 GOP race and his possible bid for the White House
+ Giuliani says NO to the Fair Tax... we will explore what has been a roller coaster-like ride of ups and downs for the Giuliani campaign
+ Will they run?... We will explore the possible campaigns of Fred Thompson, Newt Gingrich, and Chuck Hagel and how they would change the look of the race.

...all this and more in the next two weeks.

Until then, have a great day and God Bless!

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